If you have questions or things to share: schwimmwagenXfree.fr (X=@)
Here is the list of websites I had the chance to find to order parts or even entrust my car.
Website of Ivo Pospíšil http://www.kdf.cz/ CLOSED in 2020/2021
The first contact I had for kubelwagen parts. Really sympathetic and he really managed to help me at the beginning. He also built kubelwagen exhaust pipes for my post war engine.
Bruno a French VW passionate (http://vintageimport87.fr/) who restored the engine and helped me to find and restore some parts.
Website of Jacek Krajewski http://www.ww2vw.com
I ordered the canvas roof, windows and seats covers. High quality parts.
Website of Tomasz Sobkowiak http://www.kdf.cp6.win.pl CLOSED but Tomasz is still active in Facebook.
I ordered the wiring harnesses, speedo gear, choke cable… he also repaired my front drums.
Website of Vladimír Léhar http://www.leharmilitaryvehicles.cz/ CLOSED in 2020/2021
I ordered to Vladimir some body parts I could not restore.