License numbers

Vehicle registration numbers of German army

In September 1935 the Reichswehr license numbers were replaced by the WH license numbers. The change had to be done until December 1935 31st.

The 4 or 5 numbers of the Reichswehr were converted to the five-digit numbers of the Wehrmacht. In case of 4 digits RW numbers, a 0 was placed behind the first number (which indicated the military district). As an example, RW-5222 => WH-50222.  For the 5 digit RW numbers, the first numbers were interchanged. As an example RW51222 => WH-15222.

Number ranges were assigned and progressively, 6 digits numbers appeared. In June 1939, the military district numbering system was suppressed and all vehicles got new license numbers. In August 1941, 7 digits numbers were introduced.

The first two  letters before the number distinguish the branch the vehicle belongs to:

  • WH=Wehrmacht-Heer
  • WM=Wehrmacht-Marine
  • WL=Wehrmacht-Luftwaffe
  • SS=Waffen SS, SS Wachverbände

Below a list of Kubelwagen licence plate numbers. This list has been established by “Egon Kraaz” (facebook pseudo) from war-time photos exclusively. I was happy to collaborate a bit to his huge work. Thanks to him for sharing the information with us.

The list has been sorted by letter prefix. Incomplete or doubtful numbers are indicated.
‘x’ is for a doubtful number
? if we have a doubt on the overall number




Waffen SS


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